Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cats ?

    This is a cat. They have been around for like millions of years. So my question is, why is everyone so obsessed with them now ?! Yes i know its a cute fuzzy animal. But why is it basically a trend ? Looks like i have to go to Urban Outfitters and buy myself a nice white t-shirt with a picture of a cat on it for $60, totally worth it right ? I just don't get it, everyone runs around meowing at each other. Its kinda just funny honestly.
    Its just like the whole mustache trend. why is it cool to have a necklace with one on it or a mustache comb if you're a chick and don't even need it ? And once again with the $60 shirts with a single mustache on it nothing else, i dont get it. You see mustaches everywhere. They have them on bags, wallets, note books, folders, shoes, and rings. People waste so much money on ridiculous things. If you want a cool cat shirt/sweater then go to Goodwill and get one for like $5 ! why waste over $30 on any of this stuff. Think about it this way, if you're a teenager with a job and make seven something dollars an hour a $60 stupid shirt is you wasting over 8 hours of your time working on a stupid article of clothing you'll wear for a week until it goes out of style. So if you want to be a cool hipster then go shop at Goodwill and stop blowing all your money. Just a little tip. (:
    Stop being so caught up in the latest trends and blowing money when you should just be you. Trends are always changing but you can always be you and that seems like the best thing to be. If anything be a trend setter yourself, not a follower. Don't follow in everyones footsteps, create new ones. Let others who can't be themselves want to be more like you if anything.
Gosh, kids these days.

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