Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 So whats with everyone wanting to be hipster and indie ? Like really have you looked at yourself ? I don't see how wearing glasses that are bigger than your face are cool. Honestly sorry but you just look stupid. I also don't get the whole trying to wear suspenders. I'm pretty sure they are made to hold up old/fat peoples pants. but then again some people can pull it off but others should just stop trying. Same with girls wearing bow ties, no comment. Another big thing I don't get is why girls with long hair are dying just an inch of the tips of their hair blue or purple or some weird color. They either dye it bright blue at the ends or leave it how it is when you wake up.

Don't get me wrong I like some of the stuff at forever 21 and urban outfitters and H&M but i don't wear it every day and have the same thing as everyone else in this world. It's just more than half of the stuff that people are starting to wear today is what was in trend like years ago. So why not make your own style and go shop at goodwill if you want to look like your from the past.

And I'm not even going to get started on the music everyone claims to be hipster and indie music. Music is just music. Now a day there are so many different types of genres. A lot of them could all fit into a few categories and some of them all sound the same. I like when a new style of music comes out because its just something different but if you are going to go through all that work to try and start something new they actually make it something amazing and make it stand out.
Why try and fit a stupid made up title when you could just be yourself. I don"t know i just don't get it.
Kids these days, man.


Simone said...
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Simone said...

I totally agree why do I have to dress like everyone else?!? I hate when I tell people I go shopping at goodwill sometimes bc I like it better for really intresting statement peices and that it's more fun shopping there and then they look at me like I am mental!
I am doing a thrifting post on my blog in a week or two if you want you can check out my blog at
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Simone said...
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Simone said...
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