Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Kids these days,

They just go around sticking needles all over their bodies. They must go above and beyond and have something new and different from everyone else. Don't get me wrong I like most things but some people go way too over-board. 

Personally I love gauges. But you have to be able to actually pull them off. People who have attached ear lobes and get gauges just look funny. And it doesn't make you cool walking around with 16-10mm gauges, technically that’s not even a gauge it’s more like a normal ear piercing. I’m not saying you have to be in a certain group or click to have them I just find it weird when some people do. Same with lip rings. I have always wanted to get mine done but I know it would look weird on me.

What really annoys me is when someone does all their piercings themselves. Making it so you have ten ear piercings on each ear and an offset nose or lip piercing. If you want it done so bad then go get it done professionally. Because the chances are it will just end up getting infected or looking bad.

Another thing, people quit their jobs over piercings. I find that to be ridiculous. For example a girl I work with asked me if she could get her conched pierced. I told her to go ahead and do it if she really wanted to pay to get it done then have to take it out the next day at work and let it close up. So what did she do she got it done and tried to hide it so my boss ended up firing her since she chose her piercings over a job. Then there’s another girl, she got her nosed pierced. But every day she comes into work with a huge Band-Aid over it. It looks ridiculous. Yes I would love to get my nose pierced but to me my job comes first I need money and if I can’t get the tattoos and piercings I want now I will just have to wait and see what I end up doing as a really long term job in my life.

Over all people care too much about what they look like and how much metal they can shove in their face. Grow up and learn to be responsible because quite frankly your future isn’t looking so good if that’s going to be your attitude. 

All I can say is, kids these days man. 

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